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A "toxic harpoon" used by bacteria may reveal new possibilities for creating antibiotics.
A study of one of the weapons that bacteria use to defeat rivals has revealed a new approach for potential antibiotics.
50 yr old video of 'White Blood Cell Chasing Bacteria' (PHAGOCYTOSIS) from Reddit.
How the coronavirus infects cells
Great article in Nature [free access] recently. How the coronavirus infects cells — and why Delta is so dangerous Scientists are unpicking the life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 and how the virus uses tricks to evade detection. CLICK HERE
New Poster: The Coagulation Cascade
New poster available from Tabletop Whale designer Eleanor Lutz: The Coagulation Cascade. Brush up on your knowledge of basic hematology with this beautiful composition depicting blood coagulation in the human body. Featuring the epic tale of fibrinogen and the severed finger!
Nerdcore Medical on Patreon
We've got a new poster line called Curative Design that features health sciences infographics by the incredibly talented Eleanor Lutz of tabletop whale fame. Help us kick off this project by joining our Patreon! In return, we'll give you sweet discounts all throughout our webstore!